Wednesday 13 March 2013

reflection to emma

My first week with emma learning about lines in the art way, opened up a different way for me to think about how I will draw or sketch and darken the detailed parts of my drawing, sketches or paintings. Using vertical hatching and lots other ways yet to try out. I had fun using different kinds of utensils to make different kinds of artwork. Learnt about mono printing which means "one printing", lol, What I had fun doing was when i was introduced to photoshop, i really had fun mixing, cutting, cropping, adding different kinds of pictures and drawings to layers and flattening them to make one good masterpiece haha. I also liked the part where we did our first silent critique with the class. I got a couple of great feedback from the class mates. I learnt alot and is eager to learn more through out this year.

reflection for richard

This week with richard I took a new interests in new ways I have learnt in my first week of art class. I liked how we had to draw from nature, sketches of trees in a local park, close up of leaves, branches and trees. Drawing in that kind of environment was really relaxing and gave me a stronger connection with what i was drawing. I was focused most times because of the fresh morning air. I had fun drawing outdoors. Using the room on our paper we had to fill it up with the image we were sketching. The activity where we had to draw pot plants by sight without looking at the pen or paper while we were sketching taught me how to trust my hands less. unless its been supervised lolssss . sorry about that, hahaha. But i really had fun this first week. I had alot to take in but very relaxing to learn new ways of art and history, also getting to see great artwork done by other stidents in the class.