Thursday 20 June 2013

Research and Analysing your work for grounded

My poster is plain and simple. I wanted it to be a straight up with whoever was reading or looking at it. I interpreted a picture inspired by nature which was a picture of a beautiful nice sunny day at the beach with the heading across the top saying " Peace At Last ". 

My message i'm trying to give to audience is that a peaceful place for most would be a place where they felt relaxed, somewhere they could put up there feet and just enjoy the scenery. Drama, trouble and work free.

I think the strengths in my poster would be the picture. Of a nice sandy beach under a palm tree, clear blue sky and have the sun out. This way my picture would over pay the the persons attention to the heading "Peace At Last", making the heading the weakness.

I did not look at any artists work, This poster I was working on was a original idea of mines that I thought of while looking at different images on google and getting ideas from them.

Monday 13 May 2013

week one term2

this week with emma, we started back with a shared lunch,  that was a great start, we started manipulating the image, learnt lots about posters. with our personal searchs about posters we liked, i picked out one that stood out out me, it was a movie poster i found interesting because of the colours that stood out, the readable txt and eyecatching images.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

René Magritte
René François Ghislain Magritte was a Belgian surrealist artist. He became well known for a number of witty and thought-provoking images that fell under the umbrella of surrealism.Wikipedia
BornNovember 21, 1898, Lessines
DiedAugust 15, 1967, Lessines

Tuesday 16 April 2013

week 7

Decided to carry out my project using indian ink, its looking the way I wanted it to. I was interested in a book i read about surrealism art,  had fun checking out art in this category . This is what i came up with my project so far on a3 sheets of paper done as a portrait. Due in tomorrow, gives me butter flys.

week 6

This week we started on our individual projects inspired by nature. i decided to do mines using indian ink to bring out my lines darker. I wanted no colour in my work to show darkness with in the art and faces as pot plants ,and to also to show expressions of sadness. why sadness? because I wanted to show struggle as a connection between everyone as we sleep, our eyes close but our brains or knowledge also grow as we rest our eyes. 

Wednesday 13 March 2013

reflection to emma

My first week with emma learning about lines in the art way, opened up a different way for me to think about how I will draw or sketch and darken the detailed parts of my drawing, sketches or paintings. Using vertical hatching and lots other ways yet to try out. I had fun using different kinds of utensils to make different kinds of artwork. Learnt about mono printing which means "one printing", lol, What I had fun doing was when i was introduced to photoshop, i really had fun mixing, cutting, cropping, adding different kinds of pictures and drawings to layers and flattening them to make one good masterpiece haha. I also liked the part where we did our first silent critique with the class. I got a couple of great feedback from the class mates. I learnt alot and is eager to learn more through out this year.

reflection for richard

This week with richard I took a new interests in new ways I have learnt in my first week of art class. I liked how we had to draw from nature, sketches of trees in a local park, close up of leaves, branches and trees. Drawing in that kind of environment was really relaxing and gave me a stronger connection with what i was drawing. I was focused most times because of the fresh morning air. I had fun drawing outdoors. Using the room on our paper we had to fill it up with the image we were sketching. The activity where we had to draw pot plants by sight without looking at the pen or paper while we were sketching taught me how to trust my hands less. unless its been supervised lolssss . sorry about that, hahaha. But i really had fun this first week. I had alot to take in but very relaxing to learn new ways of art and history, also getting to see great artwork done by other stidents in the class.